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My main interest in the design field is creating and working with identities and campaigns because of how they can connect brands, design and people together.

NAMI Mercer:
Mental Health Months Awareness Campaign

NAMI Mercer is a local organization that assists people with mental illnesses. This campaign emphasizes gentleness and how large love can really be by depicting larger-than-life people embracing each other and the mental illness they have.

NAMI Poster.jpg
NAMI poster Mockup.jpg

Poster containing all dates and merging images

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Post cards based on the 4 seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall to show mental health dates and that NAMI Mercer cares all year round.  

NAMI Postcard 2.jpg
NAMI Postcard.jpg
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NAMI Mercer website banners

Modular type face


A guidebook for a module font I created called Gothic Space Station named because the points at the edges of the characters give off a Gothic vibe and I wanted to create a Sci-Fi inspired font. It shows the main concept page on the first page; the anatomy breakdown of the type, and glyphs on the second page; and the usages on the third page. It also includes the story of how the font was created across the bottom. I used a circular grid to construct the 5 shapes that make up every letter in the family.


I am interested in packaging because I get to work with 3-dimensional objects, and I can enhance a product and inform the user's experience.

Hello Jello: Shampoo Bottle


This bottle design is for a shampoo for kids. The main focus of the design is to show off the unique bubbles of the shampoo product. I wanted to create fun and jiggly packaging designs with shaking lines and type. Each package has a fun character on them resembling the main ingredient of the shampoo. The main ingredients are all-natural and safe for children.

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